- History -

Wandering through 45 countries, 171 cities.
After 5 straight years of globetrotting, a Japanese wanderlust fell in love with

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  • Ayumi was born in an upcountry town facing the Sea of Japan, she grew up influenced by music and the arts in early years. 

    She continued her childhood passion, completing an arts degree majoring in music at Nihon University College of art.
    Her career began as a music promoter at Universal Music LLC, besides getting on with the typical Japanese hard working life, she started studying photography, magazine editing and creative design works and carried out various creative works.

    The devastating earthquakes in 2011 however fundamentally changed Ayumi’s view of life. Her revelation convinced her to leave behind the comfortable life she led and see the world as it truly is. 2014 was the year she set out on this journey, not knowing her final destination and genuinely living a nomadic existence.

    5 inspiring years later, Ayumi discovered the beauty of Africa and realized her purpose. 
    From the culmination of all her experiences, nomadic artisan was born, which is presently and proudly based in Nairobi, Kenya.

  • Founder / Creative Director

    Ayumi Awil-taki


A Kenya-based designer duo that creates one-of-a-kind garments using materials sourced from Africa and Himalayas.

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